Harry was a very normal little boy growing up in London, England. Well, he was actually not as completely normal as other little boys growing up in London, England. Harry Potter was a wizard and went to school at a magical school called Hogwarts!
One morning, he woke up to the sound of really loud beeping, and when he tried to turn over onto his stomach, he couldn't move an inch! Harry started to panic as he realized that something not-so-good was happening. Just as he was about to start wailing, he realized that he could move his hand around a bit. He came to a really big, even scarier realization...
He had been stuck between the pages of a book! He looked around the room he was now in and saw a bed with a big giant lump right in the middle. Just then, the loud beeping sound returned and a hand shot out from under the covers to hit SNOOZE on the clock again.
"Help me!" squealed Harry, and a head popped out from beneath the covers.

Once Amy and Harry introduced themselves to one another and Harry calmed down a bit, Harry began to question why he was here. His first assumption was his evil nemesis Lord Voldemort, but when Harry tried to call his cell phone, it went straight to voice mail. Amy could see that Harry was getting very upset. Even though he had lost his wand in the pages of his own book, Amy wasn't so sure that he wouldn't do something really drastic like blow her up like a balloon or start speaking snake-language. She suggested an adventure to keep Harry distracted, and so this blog was born.
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