Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Flat Harry has a Round Dog

Harry finally made it home after the snowstorm, and he had to spend some time with their favorite dog, Maggie! She was really happy to see him, too. She greeted him and Amy at the door and licked both of their faces to say "hi!" 


Maggie looks small, but she's not a puppy. Maggie is 8 years old.Maggie is small because she's a mix between two breeds of dog known as a Chihuahua and a Feist. You can see from the pictures that both dogs have big ears and colored spots above their eyes just like Maggie does. 

 a Chihuahua and a Feist make...


After making sure that Amy and Harry were safe, Maggie quickly began sniffing to see if Amy or Harry had any treats in their pockets. Maggie loves food, especially alligator jerky and salmon chunks. Harry and Amy think the food she eats is kind of disgusting, but Maggie seems to think it's delicious. The only trick Maggie knows is how to sit, so anytime she wants to beg for food, she sits on the floor and stares at you with big puppy dog eyes. Harry couldn't resist giving her a treat. 

Harry and Amy hold a treat in their hands for Maggie. She can't see it, but she knows it's there.


Saturday, February 1, 2014

Flat Harry in the Snow!

On Tuesday, there was a "light dusting" of snow predicted for the Birmingham area, but the meteorologists' predictions were a little bit off. Birmingham got a couple of inches of snow, but it came down quickly and was very icy. Even though UAB cancelled classes at 12pm, by that time there were so many cars on the road that traffic was at a stand-still.

A lot of UAB students and staff became stranded at the University, and many more people became stuck in their cars on interstates and roads throughout Birmingham. Some people ran out of gas and had to walk in the frigid snow in order to get home or to get to a safe place like a gas station. With phone service being weak due to the storm and with the chaos of traffic and car wrecks, lots of people were worried and upset that day.

Harry watches the weather channel while newscasters report about cars getting stuck on the roads. 

Thankfully, Harry had friends who lived in the dorms at UAB, and he was able to stay overnight on campus. Alabama very rarely has snow, so Harry got to enjoy making snow angels, having snow ball fights, and catching snowflakes on his tongue. 

Harry is making a beautiful snow angel.

Harry enjoys playing in the snow! 

Harry loves being with friends and playing together.

Later in the day, Harry even got to sled down the side of a hill between Blazer Hall and Camp Hall. Many students were using cardboard boxes, laundry baskets, sign boards, and even "Wet Floor" signs to sled down the hill. Harry really liked the snow, but he hopes that in the future the storm will not be as bad.

Harry got to go sledding with his friend Shannon!